Tuesday, September 27, 2011

That's right I AM an Atheist

Yes, it is true, I am an atheist. I have always been one but it is important that others now know. Think of this as me "coming out of the closet".

In all my years growing up, I can only recollect attending church on 2 occasions. Neither were particularly "church" as they were when my sister and I stayed with my aunt and uncle when my parents were gone and required we go to "Sunday School" (i.e. indoctrination school). We never said grace (except at my grandparents house occasionally) nor did we "pray". Growing up in the Canadian bible belt, I can say many of my friends were "semi-religious" to religious. Most of the religious people were Mormons.

Then I got to university. It was a free-for-all beer swilling drunken party (I lived in residence)... at least for those in the social sciences who only had a couple papers to write at the end of the semester. I got a girlfriend who was catholic.  Though, I really use that term lightly ;) I did attend a catholic church with her several times (that is when she felt like it) but always on off days or times. Most of the time of course I didn't go.

 When I finally met my wife, I was definitely a "non-believer" though she was raised to be one. She is a physicist in her own right and I think that she is essentially a non-believer though perhaps has a nagging doubt (damn that indoctrination). She was a member of some religiously cult-type environment growing up but shook that off before I met her. Luckily, her immediate family at that time had essentially shaken that.

When we got married, because we were half a country apart, it was hard to plan so I basically told her to do whatever she wanted with one exception - there could be NO religious aspects. She was in agreement (though I think her grandmother and aunt were a bit miffed).

Now we have a son (and one on the way too). I need to figure out how to raise they properly in a secular household. Not easy with "Christmas" and "Easter" though that is easy enough to make a different sort of celebrations. I want them to learn about religion but not be sucked in before the can think logically and make up their own minds. Here is hoping they can develop reasoning skills early.

So, yes, I am an atheist.


Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
      -- Adam Smith (1723-90)  The Wealth of Nations, 1776

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