Thursday, September 1, 2011

3 years old

Yes, that's right. The monkey turns 3 years old tomorrow. It is hard to believe that! Seems like yesterday he was just crawling around... the day before he had just arrived in our lives. Now he runs around like a crazy man, chases the poor dogs and never stops talking (well, except when he decides to sleep).

So we are having a friend over with their 2 year old to get some play time and have a nice BBQ. Maybe go to the park if it is nice. He pick chocolate cake (he seems to be on a chocolate kick for some reason... he rarely gets any) and of course Nicole found a Lightning McQueen cake pan. I think he'll have a great birthday.

Grandma and papa are coming for a quick visit too. They arrive a bit late but they always love to see him and don't often get the chance with them both still working.

Can you believe that he essentially makes the coffee in the morning too? I have to help him with the water and make sure he puts the correct number of scoops in (he sometimes gets a bit confused) but he closese things and pushes the button to get it started... so helpful!

Unfortunately we are on the waiting list for the kindersport program for him because the stupid association didn't actually tell us the rules properly so we showed up on time while most everyone was really early to just get the application forms and not register. Ah well, maybe he'll get in or maybe we'll have to find something else for him.

Happy long weekend!


Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know.
                                 - Bertrand Russell

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