Monday, August 22, 2011

Meeting Brief Submitted (Almost)

So I finally finished the revision of my meeting brief. I never thought writing a paper would be so hard. Normal paper sure, have all the words you want, just don't make it too long. This brief needs to be no longer than 500 words MAX (though the editor nicely expanded it to 550). 500 HUNDRED WORDS! Remember in school when you had to write essays and you had to have between 500 and 1000 words and you scrapped together 500 words using "and", "the" and as many adjectives as you could to get to 500? Try the reverse... not easy.

But, it's done (essentially). Wrote up the reply to the reviewer and hopefully our new draft will require only a few tweaks and not anything major for the next go round (I'm sure there will be one!). I hope politics don't come bite me in the butt either. Too many people and projects at the meeting to mention them all so I had to be careful to be as inclusive as possible.

Now I have to get this damn data processed and off to Kathryn so she can think about the paper she is writing. I have plenty of ideas for her, as long as I don't have to write it... I already need to write 3 others and I am waiting for a draft from a co-author for another...

Ah well... such is life.


All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
- Ernest Rutherford

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