Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Post

Well, here it starts. Well, not really since I have tried blogging before. But my new mission is to try and have an entry at least every couple of days.

Who I am?
I am a father, a husband, an academic and an all-round good guy (in my opinion anyway). My son is near 3. When they say time flies by, they really mean it too! Seems like just yesterday he was learning to walk and talk. Now he does what every child his age does... runs and continually talks.

What do I do?
Well, during the week I go to work as a research associate in space physics despite my son's objections. On the weekend, it seems to be work of a different sort. Owning a home apparently is a lot more work when the home is a little older. At least I get to play more then too!

Why am I here? (That is, on the net or more specifically deciding to blog now)
Well, I seem to be reading more and more blogs and using Google+ a lot. I figured it was time for me to get out there. However, I've needed to challenge myself to do something new. I'm trying a "thing" if you will. Do something new or stop something bad every month. Do it for at least 1 month and hope that things just continue on...

I have lots of things to say. I'm opinionated (right or wrong), stubborn and not one to back down from a fight easily.

I hope to get some followers eventually. Maybe someone may actually read this post someday. I think I'll make a trade mark of ending every post with a new quotation (relevant or not to the post).


The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny..."  ~Isaac Asimov

1 comment:

  1. My goodness... the look of my blog has a lot to be desired... I better fix that :)
