Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Next One

Most of you know now that Nicole and I are having another baby. This is both terrifying and exciting. Terrifying because we have so much stuff that needs to be done before hand. Exciting because we will have another little bundle.

Alain can't decide between a brother and sister. Of course, he told the babysitter yesterday he is having 6 brothers and sisters... lol. Only 1 heartbeat today :)

According to the old wives tales, a faster heart beat is a girl, slow is a boy (our doctor joked how he should have had 2 boys but got 2 girls). Accordingly then, we are having a girl. Of course I put zero stock in that! I say 50/50 at this point. I don't think we want to know ahead of time...

Well... March 25 is the due date. So we should be having it around the beginning of March if Alain was any indication!


Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.
    – Richard Feynman